Our Training Center is partly funded by donations from our generous community. If you are looking for a place to make a charitable contribution, please consider our Training Center! Your donations helps to support community education and is tax deductible.
Want to support us without giving a monetary donation? Please see our wish list below to help us improve! (priced High to Low)
Any contribution, big or small is greatly appreciated!
Contact Captain Keller for more information.
Items needed
EMS Monitor
Stair Chair
Firefighting Gloves
Cabinets/storage for Copy Room
Rolling Cart to take training supplies on the road
2x4 wood boards
Sheets of Plywood or Drywall
Training Supplies: CPAP, BVM, Igel/King, scalpels, BP Cuffs, Stethoscopes
Hemostatic Gauze, IV Catheters (<20ga), Sodium Chloride, 3cc needle & syringe, Tourniquets
AED Trainer Pad Replacements
Magazine Subscription to: Jems, NFPA Journal, etc
EMT Registry Prep books
“While we cannot possibly list everyone here, we truly appreciate the overwhelming support from our community members and businesses. Their donations help to promote the health and safety education we strive to provide. ”