EMS Trainings
LCFRTC is a state approved stand alone EMS Training Center. We are happy to offer a variety of course offerings throughout the calendar year. Our most common course is Initial EMT, however we are approved to teach Emergency Medical Responder, Emergency Medical Technician, Advanced EMT, refreshers for EMR, EMT, AEMT, Paramedic & CC Paramedic. Please note, textbooks are not provided- students must purchase the correct text and bring to class the first day.
Training requests outside of our regularly scheduled courses are based on Training Center cost and availability.
Inquire below or call Captain Keller at (262) 337-9750
for full course cost breakdown click course offerings
EMS training programs are offered throughout the calendar year. Consult the Training Calendar for upcoming classes, training dates and cost. Registration available at the calendar of classes page.
What will you need to do? What is an EMT?
What are the responsibilities of an EMT? Ian talks about the physical and emotional demands of the job and the importance of finding work-life balance. He explains the typical salary of someone in this field and opportunities for overtime and advancement.
-Kahn Academy